The Faculty of Nursing and Physiotherapy teaches the Bachelor's degree in Nursing as a result of the adaptation of university courses to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). This allows to compare university studies across Europe. The measurement unit that makes studies comparable is the ECTS European credit system, which will also entail the incorporation of new teaching methodologies, with a philosophy teaching that focuses on the student, on their abilities and on their autonomy for learning and, above all, the knowledge and strategies that must guarantee the lifelong learning.
This degree emphasizes the training of general and scientific nurses, with the necessary skills to identify, evaluate and act on the health and care needs of healthy and sick people and also to meet the challenges of today's society.
The clinical experience of the Bachelor's degree in Nursing is guaranteed by performing the simulated practices in skills laboratories, where the students acquire the necessary skills to work in different care areas. The practicum begins in the first year in hospitals, social health centers and basic areas of health with which the UdL has signed collaboration agreements.
Through the performation of the practicum, the degree incorporates professional values and focuses on the most relevant issues in the different areas, which will allow integrating the knowledge, skills and attitudes of nursing into professional practice.